Where You Lead, I Will Follow

In trying to advance my ability in concert photography, I’ve looked to many professional photographers for inspiration.  These artists make a living off what I consider a hobby, so it’s only natural that they’re way more experienced and talented than I am.  I’d do anything to follow in their amazing footsteps.  Today, instead of concentrating on myself, I wanted to highlight some of these people and how amazing they are.

First, Mike Danenberg.  Danenberg  became one of my favorite concert photographers when he photographed my favorite band R5 at a concert I attended in Los Angeles last year.  I discovered his photos of  the concert that I was front row at and I could feel the energy through the screen.  He made me feel like I was back at The Greek Theater at one of my favorite concerts ever, a sensation I only wish I could grasp in my work.  Since then, I’ve followed him on both instagram and twitter and love looking at all the concerts he shoots, even the artists I don’t know.  He is probably one of the biggest inspirations for me in this endeavor.

Another favorite of mine is Lindsay Best.  She is one of the best in the game of live music photography and I look up to her so much.  As a women, she inspires me to pursue my dreams, especially in the entertainment industry, something that is traditionally ruled by men.  She’s a killer photographer and has an ability to tap into emotions and draw out life in a still moment that is unparalleled.

Lastly for today is James Marcus Haney.  Haney is a photographer and videographer best known for his documentary “No Cameras Allowed” where he snuck into Coachella and into the press pit in the name of art.  He’s only 28 and is taking the photography world by storm.  It’s inspiring to see someone so close to my age that is so passionate about something.  He understands the tangible moments and vibes of live music that is so often lost in a generation that is glued to their iPhones.

While I never expect to be as talented as any of the photographers I mentioned and the dozens more that inspire this art, I appreciate having people to look up to and aspire to.  I could only imagine being able to photograph and experience everything they get to.  It’d be a dream.

“Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.” -Warren Bennis